Tulips coloring page

7 tulips (3 pink, 2 yellow, 2 purple) in a vase on a table in a room with a window.
This beautiful coloring page features seven bright and vibrant tulips - three pink, two yellow, and two purple. The tulips are tucked happily into a glass vase, which rests on a table. Through a nearby window, natural light floods the room and casts shadows upon the walls, the table, and the tulips. To bring the most life to the page, consider using a mix of light and dark shades for each of the colors. Paint the window and walls with a light shade of grey or blue to create a calming background. Use bright, vibrant colors to really make the pink and yellow tulips stand out! You can also shade the edges of the purple tulips with a dark, royal blue to create a nice contrast. Experiment with your colors and have fun creating your work of art!