Bather and ivan tea coloring page

Woman in white dress stands in stream, holding flowers & teacup. Man in blue stands next to her, holding teapot & teacup.
This vivid and tranquil scene of two lovers in a stream is just begging to be filled with color. You could start with a cool and natural pink for the woman’s dress and a bright and crisp blue for the man’s shirt. For added depth and contrast, a brighter blue could be used to color the trousers. The white flowers can be shaded in with a range of blues and pinks mixed together. The teacups can also be filled with a soothing blue mixed with a deep red. For the stream, you can use a pale blue shade to bring out the beauty of the water. Finally, this romantic painting could be finished off with some beautiful dark green grass and a few branches of trees in purple and blue to complete the scene.