Meadow geranium, kalgan, derbennik coloring page

In meadow: geraniums (large, bright flowers), kalgan (small yellow flower), derbennik (white w/ yellow center).
In the meadow there is a beautiful array of colorful flowers - geraniums, kalgan, and derbennik. The bright flowers of the geraniums stand out brightly against the lush green grass, creating a vibrant patch of vibrant reds, pinks and purples. The kalgan has a sunny yellow hue and looks so cheerful when combined with the vividness of the geraniums. And the derbennik is a soft and delicate white flower, with a golden yellow center. To bring out the different colors of each flower, you could add some dark green to the grass, and outline the geraniums, kalgan and derbennik with a bright white line. The vibrant and cheerful colors of the meadow will bring a sense of joy and contentment.