Roses coloring page

A bouquet of multi-colored roses with baby's breath. #flowers
This bouquet of colorful roses is a beautiful sight to behold. Some of the roses are a deep, ruby red, while others are a bright, sun-kissed yellow. Other colors make up the rest of the bouquet - pink, orange, white and more. Baby's breath can be seen resting between some of the roses, giving this beautiful bouquet a delicate touch. To make the colors of the roses really stand out, I'd start by coloring the baby's breath with a light, neutral shade. Then for the roses, I would use bright colors for the petals and a darker shade for their centers. Outlines can be used to emphasize shape and texture, or you can use another color altogether to add dimension to the roses. Finally, I'd use a green to color the stems, leaves and thorns, adding a natural feel to the drawing.