Crocus coloring page

6-petal flower: 3 dark, 3 light purple; soft, silky petals; green stem/leaves; yellow pistil + 6 purple stamen.
This beautiful flower features a combination of dark and light purple petals, all with a silky texture. Its vibrant center is a bright yellow. The flower is sitting atop a thin green stem, complete with slender leaves and a smooth texture. In the heart of the flower is a proud yellow pistil, surrounded by six purple stamen. To bring out the vivid colors of this flower, you could begin by coloring the petals with a lighter purple. You could then go in and darken up the petals with the dark purple, adding in light purple accents where desired. The yellow center and yellow pistil could be a bright and cheery shade, while the stamen and stem could be emulated with a light green. The leaves could be a simple addition of green, without trailing off into a darker hue. The design of this flower is sure to make it stand out in any coloring project.