Matroskin the cat coloring page

Famous Russian cat Matroskin is in a coloring page - an orange feline waiting to be brought to life!
This coloring page features the beloved character Matroskin, a famous orange cat from Russia. He is sitting atop an orange box, his iconic fur reflecting in the sun. Matroskin's signature fluffy collar frames his smiling face, showing off his sharp white teeth. His big round eyes seem to tell a story, begging for a splash of color to bring him to life. To capture his joyful expression, I suggest using bright colors such as yellow, pink, and light green. Matroskin's fur can be filled with various shades of orange; use lights and darks to create a realistic texture atop his beautiful coat. For the background box, use a light brown to match the color of his fur, and decorate it with fun stitch patterns. This character and his surroundings are sure to come alive with this playful color palette!