Masha is coming! coloring page

Masha meets a grumpy brown bear while picking berries, wearing her red coat, blue scarf and hat.
Masha is a cheerful girl with bright blonde locks, happily wearing a vivid red coat and blue scarf and hat. She carries a basket of berries in her hands and is standing in front of a big brown bear. The bear looks less than pleased with this intrusion and is staring at her intently. For a scene like this, I would use tones of warm yellow for the Masha's hair, bright red for her coat, a deep ultramarine for her scarf, and a pure white for her hat. The bear could be done with chocolate browns and even tans, to contrast with Masha's colors. The berry basket could be done in a deep emerald green and the ground could be painted a soft, yet still warm, grassy green.