Mishka made a fishing rod for Masha coloring page

Masha plays with her stick and string-attached object near a tree & pond; a relaxingly entertaining afternoon.
Masha stands in a grassy field, the late afternoon sun turning her blonde hair golden. Her lips are upturned in a small smile as she throws the stick and string with the small, round object attached to it. Behind her is a grand, old tree that stands tall and proud against a serene lake. Its tranquil surface is broken by the occasional ripple caused by a dipping bird or the gentle breeze that slices its way through the tall grasses. To bring out this peaceful scene, use cool blues and greens to express the calmness of the lake, while the use of earth tones draws attention to Masha's presence as she stands against the backdrop of the lush, green tree. Add a pop of bright yellows and oranges in the sky to emphasize the golden afternoon light and make this a picture worth a thousand words.