Easter egg coloring page

#140char: 11 Easter eggs in this coloring page! Brightly or dimly colored, they all have unique designs & décor like stripes, polka dots & flowers.
This coloring page is filled with vibrant and cheerful Easter eggs. The 11 eggs come in different colors and sizes, with some being more bright and others being more muted in hue. To make them even more fun, these eggs are decorated with various patterns like stripes, polka dots, and flowers. To color this page, use contrasting colors for the eggs to make them stand out more and use bright colors for the decorations so that they really pop. For some extra flair, blend different colors together to give the eggs a more textured look. For example, use orange and yellow to create a warm hue or combine blues and purples for a cool tone. Have a great time coloring this page and enjoy the Easter season!