Flint's Parrot coloring page

Medium green parrot perching on treasure chest filled w/gold coins & jewels. Has brown beak, orange feet & a red/white striped bandana.
This coloring page features a vibrant green parrot perched atop a treasure chest. The parrot has a brown beak and orange feet and is wearing a red and white striped bandana around its head. It is looking off to the left with its head slightly tilted. The treasure chest is filled with shiny gold coins and colorful jewels. To color this page, use warm colors for the chest and parrot and rich jewel tones for the coins and jewels. The bandana can be a bright red and white, or to create more depth use a variety of shades of red and pink. To highlight the parrot, use shades of green and yellow together. The beak and feet can be brown and orange as in the image, or you could add more contrast by using a lighter brown for the beak and a brighter orange for the feet. For the background, you can use cool colors for a calming effect or bright colors for a lively, energetic look. Have fun exploring the possibilities!