Ship cannon coloring page

Large metal cannon w/ long barrel and 2 handles. Small door at back. Placed on front, left side of ship. #maritimes #navalservice
This coloring page features a ship's cannon, situated on the front left side of the vessel. The cannon is made of metal and is large and imposing with a long barrel and two handles. There is a small door at the back of the cannon. When coloring this page, tones of burnished steel can be used for the cannon itself, while the cladding on the handles and door can be highlighted with a darker bronze color. Use a deep navy blue for the background of the page to highlight the presence of the cannon. To highlight the presence of the cannon, go darker but with a bright sunset orange color to bring out the details of the cannon. To create contrast and bring interest to the page, add accents of light blues or greens in small parts of the ship, like flags and trim. Finally, use soft whites for light glints and highlights on the handles, barrel and door.