Bear coloring page

Large mammal w/ 4 furry legs, black fur, long snout, standing on hind legs, open mouth, tongue out & sharp claws.
This bear coloring page is a charming depiction of a wonderful creature. The bear is a large animal, with four furry legs, deep black fur and a long snout. It is standing tall on its hind legs, with its mouth open wide and its tongue hanging out. Its imposing sharp claws add to its dangerous yet playful aura. To color this page, I suggest using black and brown shades to bring out the bear's deep and luscious fur tones. Red could be used to emphasize its sharp claws, and a light cream color could be used to convey its tongue and cute expression on its face. Bright colors could be used for the scenery in the background to give it a natural, outdoorsy feel.