Barbie coloring page

Barbie in light blue dress w/ white dots, white collar & blonde ponytail; blue eyes & light blue background.
This cute Barbie doll stands against a light blue backdrop, her dress a delightful contrast of white dots and a crisp white collar against its blue backdrop. Her blonde hair is tied up in a ponytail and she has the most beautiful blue eyes. To bring this page to life, why not use subtle touches of light blue to compliment the dress, and softer shades of pink to colour her cheeks and lips? You could add depth to her eyes with touches of brown and white, to make them sparkle. Give her a smile by using yellowish tints and also use different shades of yellow on her hair to make it shine. Use light purple and blue on the background to create a beautiful visual effect. Lastly, why not add a few dots on the dress with light purple, green and blue hues to provide an interesting texture?