Morning running coloring page

Girl running in park, wearing pink top & black leggings. Blonde hair in ponytail & she's holding a water bottle.
The girl is running along a winding path that winds through a park. She is wearing a bright pink T-shirt and black leggings with pink flowers and birds patterned along the side. Her long blonde hair is in a ponytail and she is carrying a water bottle, likely for a hydration stop in her run. To make this coloring page come to life, it could be highlighted with bold, bright colors. The trees and foliage could be shades of green, yellow, and brown. The pink top can be many shades of pink from dark to light, or even an orange or yellow. A deep, warm purple can be used to outline the black of the leggings, and the water bottle could be bright blue. Finally, a golden yellow could be used to add luminosity to the girl’s hair.