Princess marianne coloring page

Little girl, crown & scepter in-hand, waits atop throne in pink princess gown.
A beautiful, little girl peers out from beneath her glimmering crown. She wears a pink princess gown and holds a delicate scepter in her left hand. Her eyes glint in defiance and her arms are crossed in front of her as she imperiously awaits whatever has been promised to her. For this image, I'd recommend using a light pink to emphasize the regal majesty of the young princess. Her gown can be colored with a bit of sparkle or glitter, and her scepter can be shaded with a metallic gold or silver. You can even use different shades for her hair for a more 3D effect. Any colors you choose for this coloring page should display the girl's courage in the face of great expectation, so make sure to think carefully about the colors you pick.