Before bedtime coloring page

Fairy kingdom is peaceful & beautiful with fragrant flowers, tall trees & warm air; fairy folk tend gardens & prepare for night.
The fairy kingdom is a place of majestic beauty. The lush trees tower high, their verdant leaves swaying in the warm, gentle breeze. Colorful flowers burst into bloom, filling the air with sweet scents that are irresistible. Fairies can be seen fluttering around, ensuring each plant and tree is cared for and properly tended to. As night falls, the magic of the fairy kingdom is illuminated. The vibrant colors of the flowers stand out against the deep, star-studded sky, creating a mesmerizing display. How you choose to color this enchanting scene is entirely up to you. Create an atmosphere of fantasy, highlighting the wonders of the fairy kingdom by using a mixture of blues, purples, pinks, and other hues. Rich greens are perfect for shading the trees and plants, adding depth and life to the image. As you finish coloring, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the fairy kingdom.