Princess coloring page

Beautiful princess rules Fairy kingdom, creating a loving environment where everyone works together, with celebrations held regularly. She is beloved by all.
This beautiful and vibrant illustration shows the Fairy kingdom, with its kind and fair princess leading her subjects. She is dressed in a flowing gown of pink, purple and gold and crowned with a golden tiara. The landscape around the kingdom is full of lush foliage and colorful flowers. In the center of it all is a gathering of fairies, dancing and celebrating. Color this magical scene with lots of pink, yellow, and blue. Give the princess a golden halo, and shade the landscape with light purples, greens and pinks. Make sure to also use silver and gold sparkles to bring the kingdom to life! Give the sky a deep blue hue and mix some dark blues and purples together to show nightfall in the Fairy Kingdom. Have fun bringing this extraordinary scene to life!