Nikitich coloring page

Man in armor, cape and shield with a cross faces giant snake with large teeth, hissing aggressively.
This mighty warrior stands on a hilltop, staring down a menacing creature. The figure is clad head to toe in shining armor and a black cape billows in the wind behind him. His sword is raised, ready to be plunged into the writhing creature that slithers below him. The scaly beast has large teeth and an aggressive hiss and coils menacingly around the warrior's feet. The shield he carries proudly displays a bold cross, symbolizing his courage against the mounting danger. To complete this masterpiece, a dichotomy of colors is needed: contrast the dark, intimidating tones of the snake and warrior armor with the lighter, more peaceful colors of the ground, sky, and the warrior’s shield. The contrast of colors will create a bold and dynamic effect, emphasizing the drama of the scene.