Baby elephant and Mowgli coloring page

Mowgli and baby elephant sit together, ele pink w/ white belly, Mowgli brown skin, black hair, loincloth, knife in right hand.
This delightful scene shows a baby elephant and Mowgli seated in the shade under a tree. The baby elephant is a bright, cheerful pink, with a white patch on its stomach. Mowgli, the young boy from the story The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, is clothed in a loincloth and holds a knife in his right hand, gazing at the baby elephant. To bring the drawing to life, I recommend using a range of colors to bring out the vibrant tones of the jungle. For the tree, I suggest using shades of green, brown, and yellow to represent the leaves and trunk, while the sky can be painted with blues, greens, and purples, and the elephant and Mowgli with browns and pinks.