Big Ben and Palace of Westminster in London. England coloring page

People navigating the hustle and bustle of modern busy city life, surrounded by tall buildings and busy streets. #citylife
This coloring page offers a glimpse of a busy urban environment, filled with the hustle and bustle of life in the city. Cars and people move along the street, and buildings tower over them, creating an impressive skyline. To color this picture, use bright colors to bring the city's lively atmosphere to life. Shades of yellow will bring the buildings to life and create a cheery environment. For the street, use a muted gray for the pavement and a light blue for the sky. In the background, shades of white, gray, and brown can bring out the details in the buildings, while gray and orange will draw attention to the traffic. Finally, add accents of purple, red, and green to enhance the vibrancy of the scene.