House cleaning robot coloring page

Robot designed to clean the house has two arms w/ brushes, two legs w/ pads, and back-mounted vac.
This adorable robot is designed for the purpose of cleaning around the house! It has a long, thin body with two arms, each with a brush, and two legs with pads. The robot is equipped with a large vacuum cleaner connected to its back. This robot is clearly designed for a practical purpose, but that doesn't mean it has to be boring. To make this robot come to life, you could use a bright, bold colour for its body, like yellow or orange, and then use darker colours to create depth and texture on its arms, legs and vacuum cleaner. Using a combination of light and dark tones will give an overall vibrant effect. For some added detail, why not try and match the colours to the brushes, either by using a different blend of the same set of tones, or by creating a subtle pattern, like a polka-dot pattern. Have fun and get creative with this cleaning robot.