Eagle - a friend of Spirit coloring page

Spirit's friend Eagle is a large bird with white feathers, yellow beak, brown body, and black wings, soaring through the sky.
Eagle is an amazing friend of Spirit and an incredible sight to behold! His white feathers and bright yellow beak call attention to him and his magnificent wings. His brown body is a perfect contrast to the black wings, and he appears to be soaring through the clouds. To color this page, I'd suggest using a lighter shade of yellow for his beak and very light gray for his feathers, as if it's a sunny day. For the body and wings, use shades of brown and black that give that glossy, feathery look. To add extra realism to the page, apply a graduated lighter shade for the sky behind Eagle, giving a sense of depth and perspective. Incorporate some light, fluffy clouds to make it look even more stunning as if Eagle is cruising through the air!