Vegetables from the garden coloring page

Coloring page of an outdoor garden with tall, short, & small plants w/ different veg growing: long leaves, green & red, yellow & white.
The coloring page on display is one of lush, bountiful vegetation in a garden setting. The tall plants have long fronds of leaves while the short plants have a mix of green and red vegetables. There are also small plants filled with a variety of yellow and white vegetables. To bring this image to life, a soothing green color could be used for the tall plants, touches of pink for the mid-sized ones and golden yellow for the small plants. The vegetables need not be limited to one color, but rather a mix of oranges, reds, and yellows can be used to create a vibrant and colorful ocean of vegetables. Coloring this page will make this garden come to life, bringing glorious texture and vibrancy to the viewer's experience.