Princess jasmine coloring page

Girl in blue & gold with yellow scarf stands in front of castle in coloring page. #coloring #art #girlpower
In the coloring page, there is a beautiful girl with dark brown skin and a bright halo of black hair. She is wearing an elegant blue and gold tunic with a sunny yellow scarf cinched at her waist. Before her is a magnificent castle, its spires and turrets reaching up towards the sky. To bring the page to life, one could choose a suite of soft pastel blues and pinks to shade the walls of the castle. To contrast, they could paint the girl’s outfit in metallics - a deep gold for her dress and a shimmery silver for her scarf. To add a touch of brightness, the details of the castle could be painted in bright yellows and oranges. Finally, a few rocks scattered around the castle could be given an earthy, brown color to tie the page together.