Storm coloring page

Woman in coloring page wears black cape, wild white hair, electric blue eyes. Looks strong and confident, ready for anything.
The woman in the coloring page stands tall and powerful, dressed in a long black cape that billows around her—a reminder of an elemental force that can never truly be tamed. Her hair is a wild white, emphasizing her influential presence and her eyes are vivid electric blue. She looks so sure of herself, faced with any challenge. When coloring this page, start by painting her cape a deep sable black, expanding out in darker shades. To emphasize her strength, bring out her hair in a bright white. Her electric blue gaze can be captured with a light sky blue, although layering it with silver or shimmering blue to get the proper vibrancy. To paint her vibrant confidence, consider adding a yellow-gold or rosy hue around her face, or layer her cape in deep shades of blues, purples, and deep greens.