Winter landscape coloring page

Snowy mountains in the distance, leafless trees in the valley and a river running through. Winter in full force. #WinterWonderland
This winter scene is a tranquil serenity with many facets to explore. The snow-covered mountaintops slowly cascade out of sight from the highest peak to the furthest range. Snow blankets the floor of the valley, muted browns and greys providing a canvas for your imagination. Trees, their leaves long gone for the season, stand tall yet somber against the backdrop of white snow. The expanse of this winter wonderland is broken only by the meandering river flowing through it, the occasional hint of refreshment in this chilly landscape. To color this scene properly, create a slow descent of blues and purples to represent the distant mountains along with a muted yellow hue to bring out the wintry sky. The trees should be a deep, saturated brown which contrasts nicely against the grey-white of the snow. Lastly, create a subtle, cool blend of blues and greens to illustrate the winding river below.