Uncle Scar coloring page

Scar is the former king of Pride Rock & jealous uncle of Simba. He's a large lion with a scar on his eye - hence the name.
Scar is a proud, majestic lion with a powerful presence that can be felt from miles away. His left eye is marked by a large and permanent scar, which is how he got his name. With his voluminous mane of fur gracing his face, his powerful muscles and his regal stance, Scar is a sight to behold. He once was the king of Pride Rock, and Simba's uncle, but now he is driven by envy of Simba, desperately wanting his throne back. When coloring Scar, I would recommend using brown and golden tones to give him a warm and noble look, with strong lines to emphasize his powerful presence and bravery. You might also add some blue and turquoise shades to his scar to give the impression of an old wound, and some deep red and mauve around his eyes to show the menacing look of a jealous lion. The background can be filled with warm oranges and greens to create a majestic setting befitting such a proud creature.