Prince Naveen and Princess Tiana coloring page

Man in purple suit admires woman in green dress w/ purple tiara. They stand in front of large balcony-adorned building.
This is an endearing scene of a couple standing hand-in-hand in front of a large building with a balcony. The man is wearing a wonderfully regal purple suit, and the woman is wearing an elegant green dress with a marvelous purple tiara. They both have brown skin tones and their hair is styled differently - his black hair has some product in it, while her curls are wild and loose. To colour this scene, use the purple in the man's suit to create contrast - darken it to create depth, and use lighter shades to highlight. For the woman, use the green in her dress to provide a contrast to the man's purple and pick out some of the lighter tones to bring out the details. Use an earthy tone for the building, and some highlighter blues and greens on the balcony to give it a vibrant feel.