Skunk coloring page

Skunks are black and white, striped mammals with white stripe down their backs, black stripes, black face and legs, and small, black eyes.
This coloring page depicts a skunk backed by a grassy field and a distant forest. The skunk itself has a thick black fur coat flecked with white, running from head to tail. It has a white stripe down its back and black stripes on either side that travel all the way down to its tail. Its black fur continues along its face, nose and legs, and it has two small black eyes, perking up with curiosity at the world around it. To bring this skunk to life, I would suggest using vibrant greens, blues and yellows to color the grass and forest and burgundys, ivorys and black to give it its signature stripes. Rich and dark blues and teals can bring out the shadows of the fur and make it really stand out. Finally, some sandy browns and golden yellows can make the scene really vibrant.