Glamorous girl coloring page

Glam girl with long blonde hair, pink dress, fur stole & pink feathered boa. Seated at vanity in heels, purse on chair next to her.
This glamorous young girl is ready for a night of elegance and fun! Her long, blonde locks are tied up in a stylish bun, and she is wearing a stunning pink dress. The white fur stole gives her the perfect touch of sophistication and glamour. She is closely inspecting her reflection in her compact mirror, with a pink feather boa draped around her shoulders. To complete her look, pink high heels and a pink purse are placed neatly on the chair next to her. To color this scene, I suggest a soft pink background to make the young girl stand out further. Make sure to fill in her hair in a golden shade and her dress in a rosy hue. For her stole, white looks best, and her purse and boa can be shaded in lighter pink tones. For the final effect, curling lines of gold around the edges of the picture will add a touch of magic!